Boston Air Guitar Blog

Getting Ready Series: Air Guitar Names

Posted by Camille Barichello on Tue, Mar 18, 2014 @ 12:03 PM }

We all know by now that the 2014 US Air Guitar season is about to kick off. This little series will highlight important parts of the preparation process. I hope you have already put most of your preparation in for these things, but if not, last minute reminders can't hurt!

Part 1: Air Guitar Names

Your name is vitally important. It doesn't just identify you, it defines your onstage persona. Returning air guitarists will gloss over this, unless you're the type who changes their name every year or something. You know who you are.

So, for the fledgling rockstars among us, some tips and ideas.

  • Understand that this is going to be your name among the air guitar family you're joining. Very few air guitarists get called by their real name; if they do, it's either because their air guitar name is long and unwieldy, because they changed their air guitar name, or because they joined the family before having an air guitar name (say, air guitar spouses who then join up... like me). I can think of maybe one case in each category. Everyone else has just the air name. So don't pick something you would hate to be known as.
  • Puns are good.
  • Air puns, guitar puns, or rock puns are better.
  • If you can't make a play on words with some recognizable name, build something new for yourself that focuses around the air or guitar or rock phrase you want to use - a notable example would be your 2013 US Air Guitar Champion, Lt. Facemelter. That isn't a pun on someone else's name... it's allll him.

Now. You may be worrying about whether you're going to accidentally step on toes and take an existing name. Don't worry too much about that. The community isn't large enough yet that all the good names are taken. Read back through some recaps or visit the US Air Guitar site if you're nervous and see if your dream name shows up. If you did pick a taken name by accident, the organizer of your qualifier will know and tell you so.

And when in doubt, just go as Seth Leibowitz.

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Tags: tips