This post is late, but what are you going to do about it? I try to wait until the official recap is up on the USAG blog before posting mine, but if it doesn't show up, eventually I've got to throw mine out there, right?
Detroit may be out of the NHL playoffs, but they are nowhere near out of the US Air Guitar championships this year. Last year was their first year back to hosting qualifiers, and this year kept the streak going at their same venue with some of the same top-notch rock and rollers.

Last year's victor Kasey Killswitch was looking to repeat her win and take home her second trophy (they have trophies. Why doesn't your qualifier have trophies?), but the competition was even fiercer this year - more competitors, more underpants, more awesome. This time there was a little more gender balance, as well: last year it was about to be the first all-female qualifier until a gent signed up at the last minute. So that title is still up for grabs, other qualifiers, in case you're looking to make history.
She faced down The Wizard of Shred, who, if I'm not wrong, competed last year, as well as a gentleman named Guitar Airo with a sweet pair of pants on. And then, someone who went by "El Cock-quistador." Terrifying, by the way. A dyed-red beard and an outfit that may have originally been a potato sack complemented a bug-eyed stare, and he did, in fact, conquer. No word on if he conquered any cocks, specifically, but he conquered the competition and will be moving on to the semifinal in Chicago.
Now, we just have to hope that El Cock-quistador or a runner-up will attend the Chicago semi! Last year, 0% of Detroit's top 3 was able to make it to their semifinal, which bums me out because meeting other air guitarists is the best way to get hooked (on a feeling). So especially when someone is new to the sport, I want them to go on and rock more. It's starting to feel like that's going to be my big soapbox issue this season: how can we make it easier for new winners to get to their semifinal?
photo of El Cock-quistador by Amy Bayes