Boston Air Guitar Blog


Posted by Camille Barichello on Wed, Apr 23, 2014 @ 02:12 PM }

Prepare your bodies and your minds (and your livers)... the 2014 US Air Guitar Boston Qualifier will take place on Saturday, May 24th, 2014, at TT the Bear's, at 5pm. That's right: this is an early show! Which just leaves more time for celebrating afterwards.

2014 boston air guitar qualifier

Thinking about competing?

You can sign up HERE!

Then, check out the 3-part Getting Ready Series to get your sea legs (air legs?) - Part 1 can be found here.

Wondering what you're getting yourself into?

Check out what the 2013 US Air Guitar season was like.

See you at TT's on May 24!

Tags: qualifiers, signup, boston air guitar 2014