Prepare your bodies and your minds (and your livers)... the 2014 US Air Guitar Boston Qualifier will take place on Saturday, May 24th, 2014, at TT the Bear's, at 5pm. That's right: this is an early show! Which just leaves more time for celebrating afterwards.
Boston Air Guitar Blog
Tags: qualifiers, signup, boston air guitar 2014
Why Boston Air Guitarists Should Check Out the Manhattan Qualifier
Hey, Boston air guitarists! The Manhattan US Air Guitar Qualifier is coming up this Friday (no, the one that already happened was the Brooklyn one... completely different), and if you're able to make it down, you should go!
Tags: qualifiers, manhattan, signup
Boston's Air Guitar Qualifier is tomorrow night!
Friday, June 7th 2013, at Radio in Somerville is the US Air Guitar Boston Qualifier! You'll be there, right?
Tags: qualifiers, signup, boston air guitar 2013