Boston Air Guitar Blog

Getting Ready Series: Air Guitar Costumes

Posted by Camille Barichello on Wed, Mar 19, 2014 @ 12:00 PM }

We all know by now that the 2014 US Air Guitar season is about to kick off. This little series will highlight important parts of the preparation process. I hope you have already put most of your preparation in for these things, but if not, last minute reminders can't hurt!

Part 2: Air Guitar Costumes

Soooo, what are you wearing? In air guitar, this question is not pervy. Well, the question isn't. The answer might be. It's important to know what you're going to wear - if you have a character you play, your costume is going to be a part of that; either way, you'll need to think about it.

Canadian Bacon OutfitMy Canadian Bacon outfit, accessorized with cat

  • If you've got nothing else to wear, you can just wear whatever clothes you're wearing that day. "Plainclothes" air guitarists have done great in the past. However, that does mean the judges are going to focus that much more on your skills, so you'd better have the chops to back it up.
  • One solid choice is always to go with the "epic rock god or goddess" look. Tight pants, lots of eyeliner, something shiny or studded, leather, denim... you get the idea. It's not going to change the world or anything, but you won't be laughed off the stage.
  • Or, perhaps you are a sex bomb? Ladies and gents both can get away with a lot. If you want to shake what your momma gave you, we won't judge you. Well, the judges will judge you. That's their job. To judge whether you're doing a good job of playing air guitar. They won't slut-shame you, is what I'm getting at, so go ahead and lose the shirt.
  • Probably the best idea, though, is to wear something to do with your character. Nordic Thunder's leather loincloth epitomizes him; Danny Tanner Tantrum wears his namesake's khakis and tidy shirt; Six String General has the aviators and camo pants... you get the idea. Even if your outfit doesn't directly evoke your name, it can still become iconic if you wear it every time - viz. Flying Finn's fringey yellow outfit.

Key, though, is to keep 2 considerations in mind. 1: can you move in it? and 2: will it be wrecked if beer gets all over it? The first is absolutely vital, and the second is reasonably likely.

So hit the thrift store, drag that dubious purchase out of the back of your closet, get out the needle and thread, and let's get fabulous!

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Tags: 2014 season, tips