Boston Air Guitar Blog

Tucson US Air Guitar Qualifier Not-Even-a-Recap Recap

Posted by Camille Barichello on Fri, Jun 28, 2013 @ 01:24 PM

Did you know that Tucson's US Air Guitar Qualifier took place in a mall? In broad daylight? With children? No one even had an air name or a song that they had brought with them! It was basically air guitar improv, or maybe air guitar from the ground up. Veteran competitor Vlad DM Wailer and the event's ATC (that's Air Traffic Control, for the uninitiated: the person who pushes the space bar and plays the music), Jonas, being the only people with US Air Guitar experience, did their best to educate their air guitarists and bring them into the fold, although they were hampered a bit by the venue (no beer) and the rules of the guitar festival that this was a part of (no shirtlessness, and definitely no raunchiness, which means that the entirety of Boston air guitar would pretty much be disqualified).

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Tags: san francisco, semi-finals, qualifiers, second-hand recaps, tucson