The Nashville US Air Guitar Qualifier went off like a sexy explosion on Saturday. It was a benefit for Notes for Notes, which is a nonprofit that helps kids get access to music instruction and instruments (whether that includes air guitars is not known). So they're already better than the rest of us - they rocked for good, and the rest of us just rocked for beer and glory (and world peace). But wait - it gets better.
Boston Air Guitar Blog
2013 Nashville US Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
Tags: qualifiers, nashville, second-hand recaps, 2013 season,
2013 Manhattan US Air Guitar Qualifier (ceci-n'est-pas-un) Recap
Last Friday, the Manhattan US Air Guitar Qualifier happened, and I know next to nothing about it! Here's what I do know:
Tags: qualifiers, second-hand recaps, 2013 season,, manhattan
Manhattan US Air Guitar Qualifier (ceci-n'est-pas-un) Recap
Last Friday, the Manhattan US Air Guitar Qualifier happened, and I know next to nothing about it! Here's what I do know:
Tags: semi-finals, qualifiers, second-hand recaps, manhattan, boston air guitar 2013
Des Moines US Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
You might think that Des Moines wouldn't have as much rock to bring as, say, a larger city. If you're one of my Boston compatriots, you may not even believe in Des Moines as a city and not, say, a cornfield. Sources assure me that Des Moines does exist and does, in fact, rock. And if you think the Des Moines qualifier wouldn't bring much in terms of air guitar greatness, you would be wrong. Just like with the Manhattan qualifier for Boston air guitarists, it's close by and accessible to contestants from other cities - so it's a fantastic second opportunity if you didn't win (or a great practice round if you did... more on that later).
Tags: qualifiers, second-hand recaps, des moines
2013 Des Moines US Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
You might think that Des Moines wouldn't have as much rock to bring as, say, a larger city. If you're one of my Boston compatriots, you may not even believe in Des Moines as a city and not, say, a cornfield. Sources assure me that Des Moines does exist and does, in fact, rock. And if you think the Des Moines qualifier wouldn't bring much in terms of air guitar greatness, you would be wrong. Just like with the Manhattan qualifier for Boston air guitarists, it's close by and accessible to contestants from other cities - so it's a fantastic second opportunity if you didn't win (or a great practice round if you did... more on that later).
Tags: qualifiers, second-hand recaps, 2013 season,, des moines
2013 San Francisco US Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
Tags: san francisco, semi-finals, second-hand recaps, 2013 season,
San Francisco US Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
2013 Brooklyn Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
Last night was the Brooklyn US Air Guitar Qualifier! The action went off at St. Vitus Bar and when I say action, I mean there was a Skull of Doom... and a stool got destroyed. Brooklyn goes hard, my friends. Now, obviously I am in Boston. I was not at the Brooklyn Qualifier. This and other recaps for events that I do not attend are going to be cobbled together from eyewitness reports from other people. Any pictures from such events are likewise not mine!
Tags: brooklyn, qualifiers, second-hand recaps, 2013 season,
Brooklyn Air Guitar Qualifier Second-Hand Recap
Last night was the Brooklyn US Air Guitar Qualifier! The action went off at St. Vitus Bar and when I say action, I mean there was a Skull of Doom... and a stool got destroyed. Brooklyn goes hard, my friends. Now, obviously I am in Boston. I was not at the Brooklyn Qualifier. This and other recaps for events that I do not attend are going to be cobbled together from eyewitness reports from other people. Any pictures from such events are likewise not mine!
Tags: brooklyn, qualifiers, second-hand recaps